About us

Who we are


We truly believe that the World will be transformed as a consequence of the manifestation of the children of God. Our vision is to create a place that enables every person to become a child of God and take their place in the Kingdom. Everything we do is Jesus focused and Bible centered.

Ministerial Coverage

As Jesus rolled out the idea of the church, He intended it to be an all-encompassing union of people who were so devoted to knowing Him and making Him known, that social, ethnic and cultural differences would be eclipsed by that overarching greater mission. At Church of Christ, we have, on-purpose, built a church family that is geographically, ethnically, socio-economically and generationally diverse. We want to illustrate that the good news of the Gospel unites us in Christian love much more than our differences divide us.

If you want more information, contact us.

Our Values

Authenticity and Grace :: We strive to live our lives with humility, honesty, integrity and truth both publically and privately, accept God’s undeserved favor and extend undeserved favor to others. We are also trusting in His enabling power (the other side of grace) to live a life pleasing to Him (Romans 5:1-5; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16).

All People Matter :: All people matter, because we are God’s artwork. We believe that every person has been fashioned by God (the ultimate Creative), bears His image, has become broken, but can be restored. All people matter because we are loved unconditionally by God, can be redeemed by Jesus and when we become followers of Jesus we become a residence for the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:8-10; Colossians 1:13-18; 1 Corinthians 6:19).
Transformation: personal, cultural and city :: We want to see the redemptive power of the gospel transform our individual lives, as well as our entire culture. We want to learn how to communicate better with today’s city dwellers so they might understand the Gospel. We long to witness the transformation of the whole person and the whole of life and we put this longing into action by telling others the Gospel creatively and directly, while showing Christ’s love in service. We serve others in the Body of Christ by mobilizing partnerships to expand our influence beyond our capacity, as well as to show the world the One Body of Christ. As Followers of Christ, we are burdened with the overwhelming need for the world to hear the Gospel and will take an active part to pray for, send to, give to, and go to the world for the glory of God and good of the lost (Colossians 1:19-20; 2 Timothy 4:2-5; 2 Corinthians 11:8-11; Ephesians 4:4, 11-16).